Why Listening To Music Is Good For You

Listening to a crooning tune can do more for you than transport you back in time or articulate your experiences and feelings. Music is a powerful tool, more so than most people realize. Scientific studies have proven the many benefits of listening to music, making your headphones an important tool in your health regimen.

Listen Away the Pain

The intensity of pain can be lessened by listening to music, as numerous scientific studies found. Next time you are suffering from sore muscles or a headache, playing music may be the best remedy.


Power Through Workouts

There is a reason why gyms play music. It really does motivate people to exercise harder. Listening to fast paced music especially can help give you the extra push you need to set a new personal record while running or lifting weights. Music helps increase our speed and endurance, like a personal trainer without the bill. Winding down after a workout with music can also assist the body to recover faster, especially when the music is slow.


Lull Yourself to Sleep

Struggling to fall asleep? It can be hard to turn off the many rapid thoughts at the end of the day, making it easy to turn to watching television before bed (which study after study shows electronics before bed impair sleep quality). A much better alternative is to listen to classical music. Studies show it treated insomnia in college students, serving as a healthy and effective sleep treatment.


Eat Less and Enjoy Food More

Set the ambiance of a meal by playing soft music and discover that you will likely slow down the pace of eating. You will end up savoring and enjoying your food more while eating less food in one sitting. It is an easy way to avoid overeating or simply eating too fast. Take a note from the Italians and enjoy a long pleasurable meal.


Send the Stress Away

Life is stressful. Use music to help combat all the stress of your day, from the person cutting you off on the way to work to the unreasonable deadline set by your boss. Listening to music helps slow your heart rate and increase feelings of calm. When you listen to music you know you like, your brain also releases dopamine (a “feel good” chemical). Music can help adjust your mood, chasing the stress away and increasing your feelings of happiness.


Improve Your Focus

Classical music can help your attention span and improve your memory. If you need to concentrate on a project or commit facts to memory, playing some classical music in the background can make your work time more efficient and effective.

Music is a powerful thing, a beautiful expression of art. It can express our thoughts and experiences in ways we never could articulate before. It can launch us back to old memories with old friends, reminding us of who we used to be. It also offers many health benefits, providing more than enough reason to put on the headphones as we go about our day.